The prince, by many accounts, was spared criminal prosecution because of public sympathy for Queen Juliana's plight.
Mr. Greenglass is 68 years old now, still pudgy and wearing steel-rimmed glasses, and lives with the wife who was spared prosecution because of his cooperation.
Brecht, by virtue of his status as East Germany's ranking cultural hero, is to be spared prosecution.
The encounters go largely uninvestigated by the authorities, and the perpetrators are spared criminal prosecution.
His prompt resignation spares him possible prosecution by the Senate Ethics Committee investigation.
They were both spared federal prosecution due to government misconduct during the investigation of the two.
He is, they say, a repeat offender who fits into no "authorized diversion" that would spare him criminal prosecution.
Vincent Velella was spared prosecution by his son's plea agreement.
They said that they would review the case, but that her termination could mean she would be spared criminal prosecution.
In return, his wife Margaret, known to radio listeners as "Lady Haw-Haw", was spared prosecution for high treason.