If the goal is also to force the Taliban leadership from power, the Pentagon should devise a strategy that spares civilians and does not require American forces to occupy the Afghan capital.
Wars could become feats of compassion that would spare not only enemy combatants but civilians, inaugurating a new age.
An immediate internationally imposed cease-fire would spare Lebanese civilians from further suffering.
Most of this growing ethical concern has centered on sparing civilians.
Such weapons were seen as a way to reduce worldwide pressure for limits on nuclear testing in the atmosphere, and as creating a more "humane" bomb that would spare civilians in a war.
Nowadays the military tries to spare not only civilians, but enemy combatants as well.
Nor did they spare unarmed civilians in their quest for supremacy.
In a very important sense, judgments of the conduct of this war will turn on the extent to which American "smart weapons" can hit government and military targets while sparing civilians.
But many of the statements from Christian authorities also include reservations, with much talk of limits, restraints, sparing civilians and getting at "ultimate causes."
What about polygamy, homosexual conduct, sparing civilians in warfare, equality of the sexes or respecting the free speech of religious dissenters?