The manager wants him to play in spacious left field, but it is still the stadium of Ruth and DiMaggio, although configured in the mid-70's.
And his opposite-field power should translate well in Petco Park's spacious right-center field.
The school has its own pavilion and cafeteria, both located on the edge of its spacious field, used in all seasons for various sports.
In another room, Mitchell's autumnal "Trees" (1991) deploys vertical bundles of color strokes, including her obsessive blues, on a spacious white field.
Usually a fiera was given a spacious field outside the town walls with roofing for animals, barracks for the merchants and their merchandise.
Many of these works used the same spacious, blue field.
Expectation strolls through the spacious fields of Time towards Opportunity.
They also show children playing on spacious fields and swimming in scenic lakes.
The most striking aspect of Litchfield is its spacious green, about as long and nearly as wide as a football field.
The vocable is sung slowly and broadly, evoking the spacious fields and the mood of the haymaking season.