From the dining room, French doors led out onto a spacious deck with a sweeping view of the cold and busy sound named for Peter Puget.
Outside the Common House are the centers of summer community life: spacious wooden decks and a large brick piazza.
The draw of the place is its spacious breezy deck overlooking the water.
The evening was warm, and everyone was out on the spacious deck.
The house was a contemporary two-story brick with a three-car garage and a spacious deck in back with an in-ground hot tub.
The oceanfront spot, with a spacious outside deck, features dinner entrees in the $16.95 (grilled swordfish) to $24.96 (two-pound lobster) range.
Fisher reports that she was built in 1917, weighed 204 tons, and had a large and spacious deck.
Passengers riding the ferry last weekend seemed impressed by the gleaming white steamship, with its spacious decks and lounges, restaurant and two bars.
French doors lead to a spacious deck, where big green market umbrellas shade the tables.