They apparently evolved from "primordial soup", and over the course of millions of years, turned into a space-faring species.
Not likely; compared with the Thelasians, even the Vulcans were a relatively young space-faring species.
They are an ancient race that has seen many space-faring species rise and fall.
But on the whole, the Solar System had not been badly damaged during its brief occupancy by a space-faring species.
The Culture (and most other space-faring species in its universe) use a form of Hyperspace-drive to achieve faster-than-light speeds.
All space-faring species developed psi, because of the genetic radiation of deep space.
It means space-faring species beyond a certain technological level which are willing and able to interact with each other.
In a large and already ancient universe, a space-faring alien species may well have had many other more promising worlds to visit and revisit.
The Octospiders were a simple species until a space-faring species made contact with them and forever changed their society.
One century, that's how much longer than dolphins chimps had been a recognized space-faring species.