Open-ended research We (class and teacher-in-role) as space voyagers who have discovered a "sister planet" to Earth.
No wonder the departed god child Apollo had thought he could compel earlier versions of these space voyagers to bow down before him.
And had she indeed in some manner fallen into the past where she would relive the first coming of the space voyagers to Ty-Kry?
You had a woman who believed in friendly space voyagers, and so you constructed a spaceship.
Its inhabitants are the descendants of human space voyagers who crash-landed on Windhaven centuries before the events of the book take place.
What had happened to the space voyagers?
The next month, Ticonderoga recovered her second set of space voyagers near American Samoa.
A hundred years ago, he reminded himself, the earliest space voyagers had encountered situations as bad as this one, maybe worse.
Entering through an air lock, the space voyagers zoomed upward by elevator to the flight deck.
He added that it was getting difficult to buy the space voyagers other foods as well.