But it would be hard to call this unit a space saver.
This space saver works similarly to a trellis but has a different look.
Bunk beds are space savers, but there are safety tips to keep in mind.
A good space saver could be to consolidate this information by using a table.
Home gyms can be space savers or whole fitness centers.
Since a compact, five-liter box is the equivalent of almost seven bottles, it has considerable merit just as a space saver.
The space saver is an engine with four fewer cylinders.
For those who have tasted this culinary treat, this introduction promises to be a space saver.
Paths give access here while espalier fruit can be both productive and a real space saver in a small garden.
The toilet-shower cubicle was shut off from the washbowl area with a sliding door, another space saver.