These various fluid-filled spaces, in addition to transporting nutrients around the body, also function as both a respiratory and an excretory system.
This gallery was used for the multilingual translation booths from the 1960s; the spaces are now functioning as office spaces.
The December sun was weak, but with so many windows the space functioned like a greenhouse.
The wiring ran through the original gas lines, and the entire space functioned at the whim of a single 15-ampere fuse.
This space also functions as an extension of the Learning Commons, providing access to electronic resources and application software.
Hollow spaces within the walls function as ventilation ducts.
Six years ago it sold the complex, leasing back about half the space for three divisions still functioning here.
The space between the two doors functioned as an airlock in emergency situations.
The space also functions as an independent art gallery, displaying the work of both American and international artists.
The 25-by-52-square-foot space functioned as a library, and a garage was constructed for the bookmobile.