But that's infinitesimal compared with the space bounded by the inner edge of the Oort cloud.
"The Palace at 4 A.M." occupies a space bounded by Tinkertoy-like rods that make a transparent frame.
When freed from the necessary constraints of biography, Mr. Canavaggio's prose soars, but through spaces bounded by his self-awareness as a critic.
It was a large open space bounded with sharp-edged steel plates, and cables dangled everywhere, giving the place an unfinished, transient look.
In the far-reaching expansion, museum-goers henceforth entered through the new partially roofed central court, nearly an acre of space bounded by the museum's four buildings.
There was an area of open space beyond, bounded on the opposite side by another wall with many windows.
The area was centred on a triangular green space bounded by shops and houses, which was subsequently developed upon at the end of the 19th century.
Here in this tightly closed space, bounded on every side, there were no gusts to carve patterns, and the desert landscape had to be wrought by hand.
The four raised spaces bounded by the spiral grooves are finely spirally striated.
The axillary space is an anatomic space, bounded by teres major muscle, teres minor muscle and humerus.