There isn't enough space allocation for all the cars.
Each building had an estimated capacity of 3,000 residents and an approximate space allocation at 30 ft2 per person.
Actual space allocation varies within 20% of these standards according to the class size per grade.
The building that houses the classrooms covers an approximate area of 5 acres with no discrimination over space allocation between boys and girls.
'There's one downstairs where you walk in' the Irish man says, marginally irritable, still struggling with the space allocation.
News editors tend to envision issues in terms of layouts and space allocations.
The building that houses the classrooms covers five acres with equal space allocation between boys and girls.
"They and my client do not have the same taste in space allocation."
But the question of space allocation is "virtually designed into contemporary houses," he said.
For some companies, odd angles verge on heresy by disrupting the science of space allocation.