The best thing about larkspur is that the seeds can be sown directly into the ground in early spring or fall.
The seeds can be sown directly into holes in the ground or planted in prepared areas.
In the fall, the society will offer seeds that can be sown directly in the ground, or indoors, in pots, for the winter.
The seeds may either be sown directly or started in a nursery.
Were the seeds of revolution being sown directly under my own nose?
This one is tricky to transplant and does best if the seed is sown directly where it is to grow.
Later, other seeds are sown directly into the beds, along with transplants from the garden center.
Seed can be sown in late March in a greenhouse or directly into the border after the last frost.
In tropical and subtropical climates, eggplant can be sown directly into the garden.
The seed can be sown directly in the ground for summer-long bloom.