Thus Texas has no sovereign interest in executing Gary Graham without some sort of sentencing hearing where he could at least plead for mercy based on youth.
Justice Kennedy reasoned that actions exceeding the federal government's enumerated powers undermine the sovereign interests of the states.
There had to be prior scrutiny in each case of the particular facts, sovereign interests, and the likelihood that the Convention procedures would prove effective.
Dinbergs assumed the highest diplomatic post, that of chargé d'affaires, in 1970 and represented Latvia's sovereign interests in exile until Latvia reestablished its independence in 1991.
A Soviet Union that represents the collective sovereign interests of its constituent republics will be more likely to pursue arms control agreements to eliminate nuclear weapons, these experts say.
Those efforts, he said, could be "imperiled in numerous ways if Indonesia and its officials curtailed cooperation in response to perceived disrespect for its sovereign interests."
The borders with those countries are now quiet, but Taiwan looms as an unresolved conflict where both sides see sovereign interests at stake.
If you insist.... In the course of pursuing its own sovereign interests, Tezwa challenged the Klingon Empire for control of QiV'ol.
It has also rediscovered the importance of upholding national and sovereign interests.
"Our request of an escort for our flagship is not an indictment of the Empire's sovereign interest, but an urgent appeal for the support of our trusted ally."