For the next three to five years, souvenir photos of the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials in Washington are likely to show some scaffolding.
You can even ride along in one of the floats while having your souvenir photo taken for a fee (reservations required).
Pose for souvenir photos on a camel cut-out.
A soldier snapped a souvenir photo of the Americans and their quarry.
Upon reaching the gate I discovered that we were being held up while $6 souvenir photos were pushed upon the passengers.
For 25 cents visitors could purchase a souvenir photo of their arrival on the incline car, with everyone else aboard, of course.
Only the Beatles' jackets remain as metal cut-outs with head and hand holes so that visitors may "become part of the piece" by taking souvenir photos.
Time for the souvenir photo!
Point and shoot disposable waterproof cameras give reasonable souvenir photos of the sharks.
They say that soldiers have blown up old mines, taken souvenir photos and whitewashed walls at their headquarters.