In the summer, residents go tubing on the Delaware River on the southwestern fringe of town.
Carry Nation is now the name of a bar on the southwestern fringe of Park Slope.
Jefferson and her escorts should by now be rounding Vaeroy Island, at the southwestern fringes of the Lofotens.
In a cavernous hole on the southwestern fringes of Sangatte, this yearning looks as if it is finally going to be realized.
Because the villa is in Wannsee, a suburb on the southwestern fringes of Berlin, historians now refer to that day's meeting as the Wannsee Conference.
Leshan is located on the southwestern fringe of the Red Basin in southern Sichuan, about 120 km from Chengdu.
The 5.6 km2 lagoon has a passage into it located in the southwestern fringe of the reef.
It is located on the southwestern fringe of the lagoon of North Malé Atoll.
The town sits on the southwestern fringe of Metropolitan Boston, along the rapidly growing "outer belt" that is Route 495.
For most of its existence, Eden Prairie has been a slow-growing, pastoral village on the far southwestern fringes of the Twin Cities area.