He was born in Protection, in southwest Kansas, where his father raised wheat and livestock.
Grant County is a county located in southwest Kansas, in the Central United States.
Multiculturalism has come to the heartland, especially to this cow town in the short grass and sand-sage prairie of southwest Kansas.
They are, however, dedicated to the youth of southwest Kansas and promotion of outdoor education.
The largest populations are in southwest Kansas and in Mexico.
Water became alkaline or dried up in many stretches, like the sandhills of southwest Kansas known as the Cimarron Desert.
The Anadarko Basin of southwest Kansas contains significant natural gas.
We are aiming to position ourselves in southwest Kansas as it seems the best spot for storms tomorrow - and we might even see something impressive tonight.
A native of southwest Kansas, he has lived in both Gray and Finney counties.
At present, Doll owns and operates a chemical application business in southwest Kansas.