The light marks the west side of the entrance to the southernmost bay of the lake, leading to the Neva entrance.
They are mostly set with 16-over-4 double-hung sash windows; on the southernmost bay of the ground floor there is a double window.
Hannah Bay is the southernmost bay of James Bay.
The windows on the second and third stories are framed by projecting round brick arches, with the southernmost bays on both stories bricked in.
The two side elevations are identical, with a projecting bay window on the southernmost bay of the first story.
The oldest visible parts of the building are the southernmost bay, where there is 17th-century brickwork and timber, and the chimney from the same period.
The ninth largest island, located in the southernmost bay, Theriault Bay, was once thought to lie halfway between the north and south sides of the bay.
Fenestration is the same as the first floor of the administration building; the southernmost bay is blank.
Cook's Bay is the southernmost bay of Lake Simcoe in Ontario, Canada.
The houses from 146 to 158 also have an oriel in the southernmost second-story bay, above the main entrance and wooden stoop.