An answering male voice, deep, with a hint of southern twang.
His addition to the Black Crowes sound, which consisted primarily of slide guitar and southern twang, helped define the band at the time.
Now he recognized the southern twang.
Flo spoke with a southern twang, and one of her favorite sayings was, "When Pigs Fly!"
The material Digby uses has a southern twang that's distinct yet also feels soulful.
McCoy's words had taken on a sharp, southern twang of concern.
Dean's perky vocals with a noticeable southern twang barely reached Billboard's Hot 100 charts with the song.
The southern twang is back in country music.
Their songs are funny and poignant, down to earth and soulful, all with that southern twang that does a body good.
Named for the southern twang in which many residents of the downtown and the projects pronounced its location.