In the southern basin, crustal thickening caused high-grade metamorphism of the sedimentary fill by 1830 million years ago.
It is located in the southern basin of the Dead Sea and the extracted chemicals are exported around the world.
The southern basin is larger and deeper, with large areas between 3,500 and 4,000 metres deep.
Its southern end is connected to the southern basin of Puget Sound.
This indigenous community of the Kayapo people is located in the southern basin of the Amazon Rain forest.
It is found primarily in the southern Mediterranean basin.
Evidently the southern basin, frozen during the six winter months, was absolutely inaccessible.
The southern basin is the more impressive feature, with high rocky sides above an undulating base, strewn with boulders.
The human rights situation in the southern and eastern southern basin of the Mediterranean has not improved.
The eastern, western, and southern basins thus formed are subdivided into smaller basins by ridges.