He also started to tour around the southern Ukraine organizing various schools and helping the hungry during the famine of 1921-1922.
Graves of armed females have been found in southern Ukraine and Russia.
In 1820, similar revolts occurred in southern Ukraine and involved about 200 different villages.
One is this hamlet in southern Ukraine, where my roots lie.
But the installation provided a second function as well, maintaining a storage area for army ground forces in southern Ukraine.
Russian is widely spoken, especially in eastern and southern Ukraine.
In less than two weeks, all of southern Ukraine had been conquered by Black Army troops.
In southern Ukraine, Odessa region lost 173,600 people, or 6.6% of its 1989 population.
In southern Ukraine, the percentages of poor were 51 and 40 percent, respectively.
Mykolaiv is a city and shipbuilding port in southern Ukraine.