On 8 May, the ship stood out of the lagoon and set a course for the southern Solomons.
American forces landed on Guadalcanal and Florida Island in the southern Solomons on August 7, 1942.
On 17 October, Taylor departed the southern Solomons with the other members of DesDiv 41.
The evils of the labour trade prompted the United Kingdom to declare a protectorate over the southern Solomons in June 1893.
Also part of the plan was a navy operation to capture Tulagi in the southern Solomons.
Japan also lost control of the southern Solomons and the ability to interdict Allied shipping to Australia.
Waters returned to Nouméa on 8 June and got underway the following day with a convoy bound for the southern Solomons.
Finally, at 1930 that evening, she formed up with the other ships of the force and headed back to the southern Solomons.
An air superiority campaign around the southern Solomons would begin on 28 January.
During the ensuing months, Patuxent fueled ships and airfields during consolidation operations in the southern Solomons.