The attack force headed south, and a vast storm front covered much of the southern Pacific, smashing at the assault craft with mighty fists.
It was February, and the yacht lay still, her engines idle, in the southern Pacific.
Then presently they were among the islands of the southern Pacific, and landed for a little time on one of the Fiji group.
Another option is to fly right across the southern Pacific to Santiago de Chile.
Russian space officials insisted today that the spacecraft had fallen into the southern Pacific, near the booster rocket.
In the period between 1926 and 1967 whaling ships slaughtered about 97% of the blue whales in the southern Pacific.
It is endemic to Pitcairn Island in the southern Pacific.
They end up fighting all over the southern Pacific.
The La Nina is the colder than normal waters in the southern Pacific.
The Cook Islands are a group of islands in the southern Pacific.