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This period is generally taken to coincide with a major shift in population from southern Mesopotamia toward the north.
Sumer, located in southern Mesopotamia, is the earliest known civilization in the world.
An agricultural crisis meant the end of this centralized state, and several more or less nomadic tribes settled in southern Mesopotamia.
The slight breeze coming in from the sea helped alleviate the blistering summer heat of southern Mesopotamia.
The first cities started developing in southern Mesopotamia during the 4th millennium BC.
His reign marks the point at which the Kassite kingdom extended to the whole of southern Mesopotamia.
The architecture and artifacts leave no doubt that the inhabitants were colonists from southern Mesopotamia.
In southern Mesopotamia at this time, an expanding population and increased food production from irrigation were changing the social landscape even more drastically.
For one reason, he said, remains from the Ubaid period are hard to find in southern Mesopotamia.
However, southern Mesopotamia had no natural, defensible boundaries, making it vulnerable to attack.