July 15 - 9 Russian soldiers were killed and 4 injured by an explosion in an ammunition depot in the southern Chechnya.
In southern Chechnya, where the fighting continued, the rebels also expressed pessimism.
On March 31, 2000, his body was found in southern Chechnya, near the village of Itum-Kale.
But the daring offensive followed three weeks of Russian bombing raids on the villages of southern Chechnya.
But he expressed doubt that the Russians could easily dominate the highlands in southern Chechnya.
One of the roads led to southern Chechnya and Azerbaijan through areas almost entirely owned by the Chechens.
July 12 - Insurgents in southern Chechnya staged several hit-and-run attacks against federal positions, killing 16 soldiers and wounding 13.
Throughout Sunday night, Russian artillery assaulted positions in southern Chechnya.
They said their group had been operating in the remote, mountainous regions of southern Chechnya since July.
The separatists, in turn, said the Russians had launched new air strikes on their positions in southern Chechnya.