It then moved west-northwest along the northern side of the monsoon trough as a sheared system due to moderate southerly flow aloft.
A cut off low south of Honshū helped lead to strong southerly flow over Phyllis, which weakened the storm.
The southerly flow of the Connecticut River divides the state roughly in half.
The golden nose cone sliced through the clouds, until she found a southerly flow that was fast but wouldn't take her terribly far off course.
Under a southerly flow, the depression drifted southward, where dry air and wind shear inhibited significant development.
A steady northeastward track was taken by the storm in response to a southerly flow over the northwestern Atlantic.
This southerly flow of people and ideas provoked English envy and raillery, usually good-natured.
High pressure situated over Greenland acted as a block, forcing the jet stream into a southerly flow.
These two features combine to create strong southerly flow over Arizona.
In addition, this system generated unfavorable southerly flow aloft, inducing a slight weakening of the storm.