I do not see any sources quoted on the page.
It quoted strong sources who said he would turn into a successful general manager before the 2010 season.
It quoted sources as saying the person died at the scene before their body was removed.
The Post quoted unidentified sources as saying the quarterback had made his decision and only an 11th-hour change of heart could keep him in college.
Livius.org tells the story of Alexander and quotes original sources.
The cultural attitude toward quoting sources had changed since the book was first printed.
The Economic Times, quoting unidentified sources, said the deal could be worth $200 million.
He put the number of injured at 101, although there were conflicting reports from other police sources quoted by news agencies.
The Washington Times quoted unidentified sources as saying the list included 500 names.
Some local television stations quoted unidentified sources as saying that a sale was probably imminent.