According to a Chinese source originally published in 1637, women were made to strip and wade in streams to search for jade pebbles.
Other sources published after the same press conference indicate that China put the death toll in Lhasa at 13.
The book is open source itself, published under a free license.
The source, published in 2008, claims that Neo was 44 then.
The book compiles information from novels and other sources published through the end of 1995.
Some sources published after Rockwell's death question whether the government was truly as discouraging as Rockwell claimed.
The most reliable, publicly available source appears to be a book by Harold Temperley, published in 1936.
The following summary comes from an open source published in 1884:
The most recent data from various sources published during the last six months is summarized in the table below.
The two basic sources: internal (within an organisation) and external, published by someone outside have become easier to access in recent years.