But unimpeachable sources leaked that it had to do with a criminal act of the Whiz Kid relating to the contest... Hey, a second front page story!
His sources had then leaked them to the public as a light-hearted joke on his fans.
The major sources of nitrates in drinking water are runoff from fertilizer use; leaking from septic tanks, sewage; and erosion of natural deposits.
An unmentioned source had leaked the information that the dead guy in the subway station had died of a highly contagious disease and upon further investigation nothing could be learned from officialdom about the matter.
Although no official release has been confirmed, some sources have leaked some artwork of the new game.
Unnamed sources have leaked the claim that the gunshot was self-inflicted, though no autopsy has been completed.
The paper prominently noted that its sources had leaked the information in response to criticism that they had botched their investigations.
An anonymous source leaked the story by sending a copy of the video to the media.
With some glee, Republican sources have leaked a private Democratic document that is faintly embarrassing and somewhat informative about the California Democratic Congressional delegation.
Its main sight is the Bühl, a former pit which was left open after a source leaked into it.