No source contradicted my conclusion that the political process that led to the ordinance's enactment was one-sided and inflammatory.
Not only does this last statement fly in the face of all conventional medical wisdom, her own sources contradict her.
Many well established sources concerning Lithuanian mythology do not contradict this conception, although there is not much data available.
Moreover, key sources for the conspiracy theories changed, contradicted or disavowed previous accounts.
It is particularly difficult to discover the truth about the Vortex because sources contradict one another.
As with many Greyhawk characters, sources often contradict on exact details regarding Iggwilv.
The second source listed contradicts the figure for 1802 by listing 244 inhabitants for that year.
According to Bucharest radio, water has not been poisoned, but other sources contradict this, and the population thus has no reliable information.
One source contradicts the view that Perth was a corruption of the fort's name.
This source thus contradicted initial reports that the police searched the neighborhood for the missing man.