As good as the soup dumpling has been for business, its success hasn't made every Chinese restaurateur entirely happy.
Most obviously, American soup dumplings are usually much bigger than the classic Chinese version.
If so, this golden age of the soup dumpling may be short-lived.
The first-rate soup dumplings, a specialty of Shanghai, are a perfect way to start.
The first-rate soup dumplings, a Shanghai specialty, are a fine way to begin a meal.
Everyone who tastes the famous soup dumplings of Shanghai for the first time looks surprised, and then puzzled.
Xiao long bao, the soup dumplings of Shanghai, seem magical.
Between them the couple will devour 32 soup dumplings, which the English menu calls steamed buns.
Finding good soup dumplings anywhere is like coming upon an unexpected gift.
The soup dumplings are $18 for two; no reservations.