The music group Cook da Books became famous in many countries through their soundtrack song "Your Eyes".
He has written soundtrack songs for several movies and scored a Top 10 hit in Japan.
One of the movie's soundtrack songs, "Dig It," earned him some popularity in the music world.
It is also known as the official soundtrack song of the second Spider-Man movie.
"Working with him on that soundtrack song was just another reaffirmation for us how well we work together," Maida stated in an October interview.
"Holly Holy" was a key soundtrack song in "Holy Smoke!"
As the decade wore on, the quality of the soundtrack songs grew "progressively worse".
Songs in this album is also much used as a soundtrack song or theme song on Indonesian television.
He did the soundtrack songs from the movie Amélie.
The album features all her hit singles from her past international studio albums, as well some soundtrack songs that she released.