Eddie peered at Adam through the soundproof glass.
A sidelong glance through soundproof glass revealed another agent in the driver's seat, eyes forward, both hands planted firmly on the wheel.
She gazes up through soundproof glass to see her guard's eyes flicker in the rearview mirror, looking for tags.
All you would need is soundproof glass on the platform edge.
Once outside, beyond the soundproof glass, they all started laughing like complete idiots.
I'm going to seal off the back of the car with a sheet of soundproof glass.
One side of the conference room was made of soundproof glass, and the curtains were drawn open.
Witnesses may see the proceedings through soundproof glass and hear an audio feed that is time-delayed 40 seconds.
Only the stage, where the two players are separated by soundproof glass from the spectators, was lighted.
A medium-size, neatly dressed man of 67, he sat behind soundproof glass.