These were nimble, often gentle readings, but they had a level of detailing that kept the works sounding fresh and surprising.
It sounds surprising because, as consumers, they would reap great benefits.
This may sound surprising in an era when people complain about working longer hours and having less free time, but it makes sense.
The result may sound surprising: it was laughter.
It may sound surprising when i say it's tough to find history in Iraq.
Now to some people, this may sound surprising, as if we're putting words in people's mouths.
This may not sound surprising, but in the movies it is something of an anomaly.
I hope that doesn't sound surprising because its very unsurprisingness is something I am trying to keep hold of.
Given the amount of snow that has fallen, that may sound surprising, but they will need it.
That may sound surprising, since he seems thoroughly American, down to the smooth public style he has shown to advantage this week.