It didn't even sound remotely like his.
Kalinda let out a scream that did not remotely sound like it was coming from a Thallonian throat.
Stubblefield whistled-and he didn't sound remotely like a train.
As the article says, the only one who sounds remotely like the voice of reason polls 2%, a fact which speaks for itself eloquently.
The rachele joke is a bit rubbish, as it actually doesn't sound remotely like 'racial'.
We recognize the difficulty because of the natural resistance of many legislators in an election year to vote anything that remotely sounds like taxes.
The best thing about those tunes is that even though they seem like bids for hits, they don't sound remotely like compromises.
There is no album you might own that sounds remotely like this one.
If I hear a door open, a window slide, anything that remotely sounds like someone running for help, I put a bullet in this pretty head.
He moved on, slipped through the double doors, and his steps sounded remotely going down the stairs.