The sound of song and the cries of the horse-handlers mingled with the muted thunder of the Nile waters as we hauled her forward and she thrust her bows into the first chute of smoothly racing waters.
Then there was just their sounds, mingled with the swish of the coarse grass as it moved in unison with the dark water.
This magic spot, behind the black trunks of trees and masses of inky foliage, breathed out sweet sounds mingled with bursts of brassy roar, sudden clashes of metal, and grave, vibrating thuds.
The sounds mingled in her mind with the harsh cries of the birds as she waited for Sybil to pick up the phone again.
Over the sounds of vegetation being shredded and crushed came a different, more ominous sound, a guttural, slavering gurgle, mingled with violent expulsions of breath.
There came a dull squish sound, mingled with a muffled cracking noise.
The sound of the children's voices, mingled with the not far distant whisper of the sea, and the presence of the man beside me stirred me in ways I couldn't begin to fathom.
And a new sound mingled with it, a deep, muttered rumble, musical and yet menacing, rising and falling like the low, constant murmur of the sea.
The sound of their flutes, mingled with the sighing of the pines, was like a wind coming down from deep mountains.
Margaret goes into her little brother's room on the rainy night of her father's death and finds Maizon watching the sleeping toddler: "His thumb crept slowly to his mouth and soft sucking sounds mingled with storm."