Modern landfills are often the most cost-effective and ecologically sound method for solid waste disposal.
The use of cyanobacteria is an economically sound and environmentally friendly method of increasing productivity.
This process has the potential for large quantities of hydrogen to be generated in an ecologically sound method.
Although Euromethod is a technically sound method it was never widely known or used.
It's also an environmentally sound method of providing additional housing without chewing up more green space.
Denominational headquarters also need sound data-handling methods to ensure an accurate national picture.
For the sake of the future, we should not dismiss economically sound methods which have shown themselves to be effective.
When injuries do occur, many members in the Parkour community encourage pursuing the most scientifically sound method to recovery and future prevention.
Seems these modern cruise ships have advanced, environmentally sound methods of waste disposal.
For instance, scientists must convince their community of scientists that their research is based on sound scientific method.