A brief list that includes the key benefits of your service plus notes on the customer's business helps you to sound knowledgeable and stay focused.
She stayed home with their new baby, but sent him to gather information so she could sound knowledgeable when she interviewed the cast on television.
"You sound rather knowledgeable about this, Peter," Ray said with a smile.
Deliberately she attempted to sound worldly-wise and knowledgeable.
"Good piece this; one rarely sees better," he observed in a voice intended to sound knowledgeable.
You sound so knowledgeable but seem to be utterly confused between the European Parliament and Commission.
When I called he sounded knowledgeable and reassuring.
He didn't want to sound too eager and knowledgeable, but Bruno wouldn't believe him as a country bumpkin.
I asked in a desperate attempt to sound astute and knowledgeable.
"You sound uncommonly knowledgeable for your years."