The food may sound fussy, but the results are subtly superb.
The whole book does sound a little fussy in description, an exercise in echoes, but it doesn't read that way.
She sounded fussy, overconcerned with herself.
It was capable of expression, and it sounded fussy.
There are difficulties at first: the narrator sounds fussy, mannered; transitions are klunky and obvious.
Find A Way is relatively sane, but in its jaunty, refracted, tropical-electro way, it still sounds fussy and overworked.
- much love, H.' She hoped it didn't sound too fussy and inquisitive; she hoped she wasn't turning into her mother.
But we went ahead anyway, after considerable discussion, because we thought the "correct" version sounded fussy and unconversational.
It sounds fussy and might dismay a purist, but the flavors meld into an agreeable whole.
It sounds fussy, but it means the shelf only takes 30 seconds to clear.