"That hardly sounded forced and stiff at all."
None of it sounds forced: for Shakira it's all pop, taut structures for volatile passion.
While some of this chatter is mildly amusing, it mostly sounds forced and serves little to further either characterization or plot.
She knew she sounded forced and stilted.
Mueller could have been wrong, but she thought it sounded a little more forced than usual.
He gritted his teeth, then unclenched his jaw, and calmed himself enough that the words wouldn't sound forced or false.
But in their case the argument too often sounds forced, too transparently an effort at star-making spin.
It sounds forced, like a laugh given in charity to a bad joke.
Now, if that didn't sound forced, he'd eat grass instead of good meat!
Quickly Jocelyn laughed as well, though the laughter to human ears would have sounded forced and mechanical.