The alarm, though, might not sound as much in the late innings during the final month of the season.
Mosley won the first two, and maybe that is why he sounded so confident during a telephone conference call with the news media yesterday.
He sounds like the guy on television during the World Cup.
Such language sounds tinny to those in the political mainstream, never more so than during the extraordinary boom of the last few years.
Suomi-Filmi transformed its production from silent to sound films during the same year.
That chemical alarms sounded during the gulf war has been known for years.
Indeed, he sounded saintly during the interview, at least until a fly began buzzing about his head.
It became to sound at rallies during the struggle for independence in the late 1980's.
The bowls are beaten to each other to sound by dancers during their dance performance.
If the buzzer sounds during a pass, neither team scores a point.