Tako's voice sounded very distorted because of the manifold interferences that all the machines caused in their telecom.
But the music sounds weird and distorted, and he cannot distinguish Beethoven from Chuck Berry.
Menendez's voice sounded distorted and distant, as if he were speaking underwater.
The Mistress looked at Blade strangely, for his voice sounded distorted and pain-ridden even to his own ears.
Another symptom is the tape sounding dull and distorted.
It sounded distorted, like a garbled long-distance phone call.
I taped this real close to the PA system so it sounds quite distorted but the playing is still audible...
Below him, Rajak swore, his voice sounding dim and distorted.
She felt blood wet on her cheek and running down her nose, while Beth's voice sounded distorted.
The voice sounded distorted, mechanized.