That sounded disingenuous until he said that he would apply the same adjective to his wife, who attends church.
While that may sound disingenuous to some, Giuliani is undoubtedly sincere.
Mr. Dole sounds disingenuous when he keeps expressing uncertainty about whether tobacco is addictive or not, and he has turned increasingly surly in defending his position.
And if such amateurism, however organically grown, sounds disingenuous in light of the Modern Library list, it's downright patronizing when it's applied to the blues.
Seeing as how the PS Move bears more than a passing resemblance to the Wii's Wii-Mote, this claim sounds a little disingenuous.
David thought Walter sounded disingenuous and almost palpably disappointed.
Considering that her novel graphically describes the anal rape (with a tennis racket) of a little girl, this sounds more than a bit disingenuous.
This will sound disingenuous, I know, because it is easy from the perspective of safety to scoff at danger, but I was jazzed.