She sounded so disgusted that Luke had to smile.
He sounded so thoroughly disgusted, but a ghoul was crouching to leap at me, and I had to shoot it between the eyes.
Mordechai couldn't have sounded more disgusted if he'd tried for a week.
She sounded so disgusted it was all he could do to keep from chuckling.
Slidell said, sounding tired and disgusted rather than angry.
Andy's words, sounding thoroughly disgusted, brought Domini back to herself.
He sounded so disgusted that she seized her case and bolted through the door he indicated.
But now the compassion on the man's face seemed real enough, and he sounded genuinely disgusted with himself.
The other sailor couldn't have sounded more disgusted if he tried for a week.
She sounded disgusted and fed up, and the word "Jack" was blown away like fluff.