It's hard to say this without sounding condescending, but I understand these feelings and sympathize with them.
"Of course," Lenaris said, meaning to be reassuring, aware that he probably sounded condescending.
"Well, you should have," Ansed said, trying- and failing- not to sound condescending.
On screen, the host was attempting an avuncular tone and only managed to sound condescending.
He hadn't meant for it to sound condescending, but that was sure as hell the way it came out.
I wanted to add, "Maybe people from your country," but I was afraid that might sound condescending.
Now it only sounded condescending, as if he was mocking them all.
It sounds less condescending, if you ask me.
At the risk of sounding condescending, black people tan too.
This may sound a little condescending, even parental, and I don't mean it to be.