The truth is that the most economically sound and environmentally favored choice is to minimize the amount of waste created.
Still, the tasting menu - especially when ordered with the accompanying wines, which are all sound choices - is really fun.
We would hope that we have earned the trust of the greater school community to make an educationally sound choice.
Inspecting Israel's investment climate when the political climate there could lead to financial volatility fosters informed, financially sound choices.
To choose a) is the only moral and ethically sound choice.
These fisheries, it says, are healthy, well-regulated and "the most environmentally sound choice."
He has a ring on his finger and is on a team that is a sounder choice than the Yankees to win another title.
Using comic strategies to make social comments is an especially sound choice these days.
Make environmentally sound choices about the products and natural resources you use, the waste you create and the environment in which you live.
"It is hard to imagine a more sound and appropriate choice," Mr. Humphrey said.