Despite plot twists that strain credulity, the film works, thanks mostly to Zhao's soulful performance as a cop torn between love, duty and motherhood.
Nazeri is Called "the Iranian nightingale" and usually holds deeply soulful performances.
The player piano and the gramophone, which stripped the life from real, human, soulful live performances.
"My Heart Is Calling" received mainly positive reviews from music critics, who commended Houston's soulful performance.
David Rooney of Variety called the film "emotionally rich drama" "driven by soulful performances."
Ms. Raitt, in her brief moment in the spotlight, supplies the album's most soulful performance.
They played in many inter-college music festivals and touched many hearts with their soulful, dedicated performances.
We showcase the talents of a singer who passed away last year, leaving a legacy rooted in a mix of folk, blues and soulful performances.
Here was firm, durable material married to soulful, playful performance.
Ms. Garner's agile, soulful performance is one of the many pleasures of this stylish action show.