The records are simply modern-sounding relative to the traditional northern soul sound.
The city showed itself to be a more fertile area for the modern soul sound.
This smooth soul sound provides a valuable counterpart to the dominant uptempo dance music on current pop radio.
Every musician I've ever known has at some point wanted to achieve Motown's technically slick soul sound - it's so dynamic.
Carter's soul sound also found an audience within the then-nascent hip-hop community.
The Crusaders are an American music group popular in the early 1970s known for their amalgamated jazz, pop, and soul sound.
"These songs took me back to the soul sound that I totally relate to, out of the church," she said.
I get that good "soul sound," and I try to touch people's spirits.
Musical influence shifted more to a drum-n-bass and modern soul sound in the following albums.
Killashandra could not have ignored the plea, the sincerity, the soul sound in his voice.