Each soul sings a song revealing key elements of their lives, including a crucial sin or vanity.
You must not only feel it, you must quiet your mind until your soul sings with it, as one.
Crysania's soul sang in a joyous anthem to Paladine.
Echoing Yeats, he wonders "how you make your soul clap its hands and sing."
These souls could come to you and sing those anthems.' " '
What in it made my soul sing?
Syrinx groaned again as the souls from beyond sang into her mind with their strange icy promises.
And, like the bird that sings at midnight, her cheery soul sang in its darkness.
She could guess why George would not be sure, and her soul sang.
"Not until I know what this is about," Bakaris said suspiciously, though his soul sang for joy.