In classifying the aim is to sort objects by their selected properties into homogeneous categories.
Non-comparative sorting algorithms such as radix sort and american flag sort are typically used to sort large objects such as strings, for which comparison is not a unit-time operation.
The ability to sort objects in an order according to size, shape, or any other characteristic.
Cesare ended up writing a tool in assembly language that handled all of these at 50 frames per second, sorting drawable objects into a display list to maximize performance.
Bobby was sorting plastic objects into six color piles.
In the shed 30-odd bags of leaves were a testimony to a long fall of raking, as well as to a mind that likes to sort and arrange objects.
Pigeons can sort objects from photographs into the same types of logical categories that humans use when thinking.
When it comes to similarity, this might include listing words, using categories as clues for learning new words, sorting objects into groups, or other tasks that have to do with comparing things to one another.
Zachariah Block is a shut-in who spends much of his day compulsively sorting and resorting ordinary objects into jars.
A program he calls Darwin can learn to categorize, sorting striped objects from bumpy objects, for example.