His body, now appearing from beneath the veil of fire, was in a sorry condition.
The rest of the huge estate, so far as Joseph was able to see from where he stood, was in equally sorry condition.
But now a plan is afoot that, if successful, could bring long-overdue change to this sorry condition.
But the ocean's increasingly sorry condition is no mystery at all.
After all, his reasoning went, the sorry condition of public education in Chicago has been well documented.
Few in Russia dispute the sorry condition of its armed forces.
He gestured around the cave, pointing out the sorry condition of the other prisoners.
Given the trains' sorry condition, it is a wonder they can make the 150 miles in even the 12 hours required.
Remembering the sorry condition of his feet, the overman declined to stand.
The sorry condition of popular cinema leaves film critics in a quandary.