Standing stricken and forlorn before her judges, the young girl mourned her sorrowful tale through the end, then in a passion of appeal cried out: "Oh, mother, can't you forgive me?
Many of the pieces are sorrowful tales, ranging from resoundingly sympathetic tales dealing with the loss of life and defeat.
The sorrowful tale touched Cassie's heart.
The elves, struck by his alienness and the sorrowful tale of Gomja's creation at the hands of the Dark Queen, gave the "big heathen" greater latitude.
Anton Chekhov's short story "In the Ravine" is a sorrowful tale of small-town greed and cruelty partly offset by a figure of enduring innocence.
These sorrowful tales were a departure from his usual lighthearted fare.
In Mr. Graver's and Mr. Melnick's accounts, the stripping away of Anne's Jewishness emerges as a shocking and sorrowful tale.
You know lots of cousins here who hate cousins there because they are Communist believers, and you hear endless sorrowful tales from mothers who can't get their children out of Cuba.
It is indeed a sorrowful tale, but I feel better for knowing.